Friday, October 23, 2009


New Discovery....

I've learned that I cannot expect others to believe in me, I totally have to lean on God for that. I've always known this but being here in FL has made me believe it.

So sometimes I get really frustrated with my photography class because I feel like I am soooo bad compared to the other students. I am, sadly, the type of person who needs those little praises from people to make me feel more confident in what I am doing. Some days I would be so upset that I would call my mom and tell her that I wanted to change majors. Well today was one of those days...I was fed up. After class I power walked back to my room, threw my stuff on my bed, sat down at my desk and started thinking. I have no idea what I was thinking exactly but almost 5 minutes after walking into my room my phone vibrated with the message from Adrienne asking what I had learned about God recently. First thought..."Oh great, have I actually learned anything? I need to come up with something really fast to say." Instead of coming up with some crap answer I decided to really think about it. Today I discovered I cannot put all my faith in others to tell me I am doing well or that my pictures look good or I am having a good hair day (haha) or whatever because I will end up disappointed. I have known that for a really long time and I'm sure we all know this.... but to be honest, I have never truly believed it. I hope everyone else is learning awesome new things about Him and I am excited to hear all about them! Love you Girls!

Hugs and Kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Katey! I love this (I teared up no shocker there!) I fall into the same trap as you in wanting to feel affirmed by others. It can be so frustrating when they don't see how great we are! haha But seriously I do fall into that same trap. The great thing is that we are loved and wanted by the creator of the universe!!!! The one who knit those people together and created the very people we are wanting compliments from.. He is obsessed with us we we totally skipped them on the food chain and the top dog delights in us! He thinks we are beautiful, having a good hair day, our pictures offer new insight into what we are shooting, and He always laughs at our jokes (thats my personal fav). Cling to that scripture I gave you... it has carried me through some of the hardest times!

