Sunday, December 27, 2009

I love us! Even though we're missing a few in this picture. Great night girls!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's almost Christmas :) :) :)

Good luck with finals everyone!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello my loves :)

Tonight I have decided to drop Chi O. For many reasons but mainly because I just wasn't happy being a part of it and can find happiness through my campus crusade friends and riding. I've been waiting all night nervously to talk to Jen (our new member educator) about it but she hasn't called yet.. So while I've been sitting here I always do those open the bible to a random spot and the first thing your finger hits is what you read! Lot those.. well I did that and here's what I got.. "Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared - Proverbs 3:25-26" Well that just made my night and I hope reading this makes your.

See you after this two week long summer camp.
All my love,

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

(This is a picture from June 29th, "R-Day" - my very first day here!!)

Hey girls! it's been so long since i've talked to so many of you, and i feel terrible about it. being up here in new york i feel so far away from you guys and it's really hard. there are hardly any girls for me to talk to and hang out with and it makes being so far from you girls that much harder. things here are pretty good and i do love it here, but lately i've been in this downward spiral that i can't seem to get out of... all i can tell myself to make it better is that one day from now i'll be leaving here to come home to you guys :) since i know all of you have plans and you're all doing awesome stuff the rest of your week off, i totally understand if there's no way i can see all of you. but any of you that are around, let me know! i'll be home from thursday to saturday afternoon and would LOVE to see you girls!! if not this week, only "22 and a butt days" til christmas break (that's how i have to say it here :)...)

Love you guys!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Peggy you asked for it... you got it!

Ladies I love and miss you all!!!!

"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings!"

Isaiah 58:11-12

Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling unspecial?

Is it one of those days where you may be feeling a bit unspecial? undesirable? Lonely?

This is what I found this morning, Christ says to us " Sixty queens there may be and eighty concubines, and virgins beyond number; BUT MY DOVE, MY PERFECT ONE, IS UNIQUE." My loves we are far beyond unspecial and undesirable... we are desired by Christ, we are His perfect ones!

Friday, October 23, 2009


New Discovery....

I've learned that I cannot expect others to believe in me, I totally have to lean on God for that. I've always known this but being here in FL has made me believe it.

So sometimes I get really frustrated with my photography class because I feel like I am soooo bad compared to the other students. I am, sadly, the type of person who needs those little praises from people to make me feel more confident in what I am doing. Some days I would be so upset that I would call my mom and tell her that I wanted to change majors. Well today was one of those days...I was fed up. After class I power walked back to my room, threw my stuff on my bed, sat down at my desk and started thinking. I have no idea what I was thinking exactly but almost 5 minutes after walking into my room my phone vibrated with the message from Adrienne asking what I had learned about God recently. First thought..."Oh great, have I actually learned anything? I need to come up with something really fast to say." Instead of coming up with some crap answer I decided to really think about it. Today I discovered I cannot put all my faith in others to tell me I am doing well or that my pictures look good or I am having a good hair day (haha) or whatever because I will end up disappointed. I have known that for a really long time and I'm sure we all know this.... but to be honest, I have never truly believed it. I hope everyone else is learning awesome new things about Him and I am excited to hear all about them! Love you Girls!

Hugs and Kisses,

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hi everyone! How's everyone doing? I miss all of you all soooo much I can't wait until I get to see you all again! As for me and my life, it's going good I really like it here but I miss everyone at home =( BA I think you should come to UK and we can get a place together =) haha

Everyone keep in touch and I can't wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas Breaks to see you all!!!

Love you!

Why can't God email us with his plans?

I've been struggling a lot this week with what God's plan for me is. Whether he wants me to stick it out here and things will turn around or whether I need to be looking elsewhere for an education. I'm really stuck in a ditch on what to do. I've been praying but it's so hard for me to I guess know when or what God is telling me to do. I'm thinking about switching majors into Large Vet Technician where I would work with baby foals and stuff but that means going to another school. I've been going to bible studies and campus crusade and I have some good friends here but they don't compare at all to you all. I don't feel like I can be myself and in the bible studies I don't say a word even if I want to. It just doesn't feel right a lot of the time and I'm very happy. I am not sure what to do besides pray. I'm about to send my adviser an email and schedule an appointment to talk to her. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.

And on a happier note.. everyone is going to be soo excited about what Jane and I have in store for you over Christmas break.. I'm not telling but it's going to be the best thing since sliced bread (I think someone posted the bread thing and I just wanted to say it to :)

Love you girls so much!

Sending sunshine :)

Hey girls! I thought since no one has posted in a while I would see how everyone is doing. I miss you all so much and I cant wait to hear about what is going on in everyones lives!
Right now I'm sitting in writing class, the teacher has yet to show up and it is 23 minutes past the start of class... so I'm praying she doesn't show. haha. MY MOM IS COMING TO VISIT ME TOMORROW!!!!! EEEPPPP! I'm so excited! i have a full weekend planned for us!

Love yall!
hugs and kisses!
Katey :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wish You were here, the weather is beautiful!... but seriously. haha

hey girls! This is so awesome! You have no idea how much I miss you all! After all my years of saying "I can't wait to get out of West Virginia! " im now saying "I can't wait to go home to West Virginia!" My twang accent is made fun of on a regular basis, but everyone thinks its cute so I guess its ok. haha. Although I do miss WV I feel at home here and I feel like this is exactly where God wants me to be. Anyways, enough about me! Im super happy that we can now have a conversation all together again thanks to this cute little blog and hopefully my photography teacher cant get on this because I have a blog set up on here through his class... awkward.

Adrienne, I really want to reply to your post about the trainer thing... but I need to think about it for a little while so I will get back to you.

I visited a church called The Bridge last Sunday and loved it! It is exactly like The Ridge, not only in similar names but the "style". A couple of my friends from school went with me, which was awesome. I've finally met a girl, Sharon, who I really feel comfortable talking about Christ to since she is such a strong follower. She is from Puerto Rico and she might be coming to WV for the last part of Christmas break! I've been hanging out with some people on my floor and they are all really cool but like to party a lot. I guess they've been noticing that I go to church events and YL stuff like every night and now everyone is like "I want to go to church with you" or "I want to go check out college life with you". The most surprising thing is that the people saying this are people you would never guess would be interested in going... even Jewish people. haha. I just wanted to share this exciting news with you girls! :)

Miss you all so much! I cant wait to see your gorgeous faces!

Hugs and Kisses,
Katey :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Change... Love it and Hate it.

Hello my loves! I haven't talked to some of you in MONTHS and I can't believe it's already October. I'm just finishing up my first quarter here, which means I'm 1/4 of the way through with plebe year!! That's definitely good news... So today I was thinking about my life in general and realized how different I am than I was 5 months ago. It kind of sucks realizing that I'm a new person but at the same time, everyone has to grow and change. It's just that last year I NEVER would have considered an hour long lift workout a break from homework.. but that's exactly what it felt like yesterday. The point is, I got pretty upset thinking about how much I didn't want West Point to change me.. But it has and it's going to keep changing me, just like all of you are changing where you are. I just want you all to know (and to reinforce in my own mind) that I think that's okay :) I still love you all just as much, even if we're all growing up and moving apart from each other for a while. Because we're all still going to come back together on breaks for themed parties (I love the sweater idea by the way, Laura..?) and our plate lives from that day in Kanawha State Forest are still going to come true! I can't wait to meet all of your wonderful husbands :) I'm so glad I finally figured out how to join this blog and I'm so excited about it, because I do miss all of you terribly and I'm so excited to be able to read about all of your joys and concerns... Keep writing and I'll try to do the same!

Oh and stay strong.. stay happy.. and stay beautiful :)

happy wishes and tons and tons of LOVE!

Hi Everybodyyy!!

Hi everyone! Sorry it has taken so long for me to join the blog. I just wanted to say that I think this is a fabulous idea and I am so happy that I will be able to keep in touch with you all.

Anyways, I have a scary story for the day and I want you to keep this guy in your prayers.

I was just in Geography Class. It is a pretty big class (200 people or so). We were taking notes as we always do and then this guy started having a really really bad seizure. It was so scary. I have seen people have seizures on TV shows and stuff but have never seen one in real life. I felt soo helpless and I just wanted it to stop so I would know the guy was okay. My professor dismissed the class because everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do. I just wanted to stay behind and make sure the guy was okay, but I knew I would just be in the way (and I have no idea how to handle someone that is having a seizure!) So I came back to my dorm and my heart is still beating a million beats a minute. So if you all wouldn't mind, just keep him in your prayers!!

Hopefully the next time I post it will be a happier story =)
I love you all and hope you are having a fabulous week!

Something to think about:

Hey ladies. Last night I started a new bible study with a fabulous group of women, not as great as all of you but you know... you all had to move away and get an education :)

I'm going to give you a quick background... We were talking about the Arc of the Covenant being brought back to Jerusalem as a daily reminder for the people there to have God at the center of their lives.

This analogy was shared: If you have an exercise trainer you work out harder than you would by yourself, I can think of plenty of times where I've been working out just a little half-heartedly and then Brandon walks into the gym and I kick it up a few notches because I know he is watching.

This question was posed after that and now I put it out there for you to think about as well:

How would your life change daily if you realized that God has come near?

How are your quiet times going? If you are doing them, if not feel free to comment on this anyways .... what are you struggling with right now? You may not be struggling, yay, if so tell us why things are so great.

Love ya!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

FINALLY- Adrienne is the greatest thing since sliced bread

Adrienne came to my rescue and helped me log into our fabulous blog... she is so pretty!!!! Well I'm going to go to dinner with the fabulous human being named Adrienne, we are headed to Black Bear...


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hey everyone! how are your weeks going so far?

Monday, September 28, 2009

We don't need no stinkin pants!!!!

So the sisterhood of the traveling pants may have a magical pair of jeans but lets be honest, what are the chances we would all even like the same pair of jeans? Then you have to wash, iron, and then mail. I mean postage these days is expensive. So we are better off with NO PANTS!

Let this be the place we encourage, share, and laugh at each other's frustrating, lonely, and funny times while we are all in different places. Use this to post questions to make each other think and share, to vent when just need to let it out (not about each other), and make us all laugh with a good story about how you fell down the stairs, ran into a door, or burped them that cute guy in your bio class asked you out.

Love you all and miss you terribly!