Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why can't God email us with his plans?

I've been struggling a lot this week with what God's plan for me is. Whether he wants me to stick it out here and things will turn around or whether I need to be looking elsewhere for an education. I'm really stuck in a ditch on what to do. I've been praying but it's so hard for me to I guess know when or what God is telling me to do. I'm thinking about switching majors into Large Vet Technician where I would work with baby foals and stuff but that means going to another school. I've been going to bible studies and campus crusade and I have some good friends here but they don't compare at all to you all. I don't feel like I can be myself and in the bible studies I don't say a word even if I want to. It just doesn't feel right a lot of the time and I'm very happy. I am not sure what to do besides pray. I'm about to send my adviser an email and schedule an appointment to talk to her. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.

And on a happier note.. everyone is going to be soo excited about what Jane and I have in store for you over Christmas break.. I'm not telling but it's going to be the best thing since sliced bread (I think someone posted the bread thing and I just wanted to say it to :)

Love you girls so much!

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